by Gru
(2 reviews)
10 Sold in 17 hour
Pediatric Dermatopathology and Dermatology is a unique reference highlighting both the histopathology and clinical presentation of common and uncommon pediatric skin disorders. This user-friendly reference is ideal for dermatopathologists and pathologists and of special interest to pediatric dermatologists and general dermatologists. With a global perspective, skin disorders that affect children world-wide are presented. Thousands of full-color histopathology slides and clinical photos accompany concise, templated text for each pediatric skin disorder.// An abundance of clinical photos along with descriptions of the clinical presentation make this text relevant to clinical practice// Comprehensive coverage including chapters on: disorders in the newborn; disorders of hair, adnexae, and nails; alopecia; genodermatoses; bacterial, protozoal, viral and fungal infections; all types of tumors and neoplasms, cutaneous mucinosis and cysts, and medication-induced hypersensitivity reactions and genetic skin disorders// Organized for quick reference under headings: Definition and Epidemiology, Etiology, Clinical Presentation, Histologic Findings, Differential Diagnosis, and a Capsule Summary which presents the salient histologic and clinical features of each disorder
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