by Anthikad Jacob
(2 reviews)
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The findings of the UNICEF-2012 and Nutrition Survey-2011 have been highlighted in India?s nutritional problems. Due importance has been accorded to the ?weaning section?. The question bank has been thoroughly overhauled by removing the question papers pertaining to the earlier syllabus and by adding new questionsThis book presents Biochemistry and Nutrition in a single volume as envisaged by the Indian Nursing Council. For the university examinations also, there is only one combined question paper for nutrition and biochemistry.All the 40 chapters of the first edition have been retained after thorough revision and updating. Some portions of nutrition syllabus have been separated and added to biochemistry section to make the presentation more logical, systematic and student-friendly.The question bank has been thoroughly overhauled by deleting the questions from the previous syllabi and by including al the latest question papers.MCQ?s have been provided at the end of each chapter to enable the students to self-check their assimilation.Finally, this is not just another textbook. It is the experience of teaching the subject for the last half-century and more!
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