by Chung Kevin C
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Provides Trainee Hand, Orthopaedic and Plastic Surgeons with a Lavishly Illustrated Guide to the Diagnosis and Management of Hand and Upper Limb Conditions Requiring Emergency Or Elective SurgeryIncludes Core Principles of Anatomy, Imaging and Therapeutics as Well as Practical, Step - by - Step Guidance on a Wide Range of Surgical TechniquesEasy - Access Information, Written in a Concise Style with High - Quality Clinical Photographs and Descriptive ArtworksTable of ContentAnatomy of the Upper LimObjective Evaluation of Hand FunctionRadiologic Studies Used in Evaluation of the Upper ExtremityElectrodiagnostic Studies and Peripheral Nerve UltrasounUse of Locoregional Anesthesia and Tourniquet in the Upper LimSurgical Instrumentation and MagnificationRehabilitationExamination of the Traumatized HandCompartment SyndromeAcute Hand InfectionContentsNail Bed InjuriesTendon InjuriesFlexor Tendon InjurieRExtensor Tendon InjuriesRehabilitation of Tendon InjuriesFractures and DislocationsPrinciples of Skeletal Fixation for the HandPhalangeal Fractures and Interphalangeal Joint DislocationMetacarpal FractureSLigamentous Instability and Carpal FracturesFractures and Dislocations of the Distal Radius and the Distal Radioulnar JointTherapy for Fractures and Dislocations in the HandBurnsHigh - Pressure Jet Injection InjuriesFundamental Principles of Microsurgery and ReplantatioNSoft Tissue Coverage and Thumb ReconstructionApproach to Complex Hand TraumaElective Hand SurgerySystem - Specific Examination of the HandCongenital DisordersAlphonsus ChongchapterChronic Infections of the Hand and Upper ExtremityTendinopathy and Work - Related Upper - Limb DisordersNerve DisordersNerve Injury and RepaiRNerve Compression SyndromesNerve PalsyNeonatal Brachial Plexus Palsythe Spastic Upper Limb and TetraplegiaThoracic Outlet SyndromeVascular Disorders of the HandDegenerative Osteoarthritis and Inflammatory ArthritisOf the Hand and WristHand TumorsContracturVolkmann Ischemic ContractureDupuytren ContractureComplex Regional Pain SyndromeIndex
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