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This book presents a unique perspective to these tumors, classifying them each by compartments, pathological subtypes and biological behavior to provide a comprehensive understanding of not just the radiology, but also the histopathology and treatment options for each of these conditions. It has brought together contributions from experts in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India; Tat Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra; and Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu Focuses on core imaging and management issues in chest tumorsChest tumors have been discussed based on anatomic localization as well as on the basis of pathologyComplex topic presented in a simple and lucid mannercoverage of newer classification, staging systems and management. Management-related complications and response assessment a I so coveredarrangement of sections having a combined clinical and radiological perspective of the diseaseChapters contributed by reputed experts from Radio logy, Pathology, Pulmonary Medicine, Medical Oncology, Surgery and Radiation OncologyHigh quality images and illustrations with detailed description of the disease entities Templates and Examination section: a unique feature of this book which will act as a ready guide to the radiologists in practice on how to approach and report in a specific situationComprehensive coverage of the key radiological abnormalities not only to reach a, but to plan and guide treatmentAttempts to provide tables of close radiological differentialsAims to become a 'ready reference' for all the radiologists and surgeons involved in this field
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