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The medical Council of India (MCI) has revised the syllabus for the bachelor's degree program in medicine. In this edition, new topics relevant in the current scenario have been included and many outdated topics have been removed. Topics are organized under seven major headings to assist both study and to facilitate retention of the contained information. Section I: biological cell includes an introductory br>Chapter on cell structure and function, followed by br>Chapter membrane transport. Section II: structure and functions of the Biomolecules, includes chapters on structure and functions of Carbohydrates, Lipids, Amino Acids, Peptides and proteins, Enzymes, Hemoglobin, and nucleotides and Nucleic Acids. Section ill: energy metabolism and metabolism of Biomolecules, begins with the br>Chapter on biological Oxidation followed by chapters describing the synthesis and degradation of Carbohydrates, Lipids, proteins, Hemoglobin, and purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. A br>Chapter on integration of metabolism and metabolic processes in fed, fasting and starvation states also included in this section. Section IV: nutrition, describes nutrients, vitamins and Minerals, and their roles in health and disease. Section V: molecular biology, describes DNA replication and repair, Transcription and RNA processing, genetic code, mutation, translation, regulation of Gene expression and genetic engineering. Section VI: clinical biochemistry covers clinically relevant chapters, body water and electrolytes, acid-base balance, organ functions, disorders, and function tests, plasma proteins and Immunoglobulins, immune system, radioisotopes in medicine, and cancer. Section VII: special topics, includes the Extracellular matrix, mechanism of hormone action, metabolism of xenobiotics, Antioxidants defence system, biomedical waste disposal, and analytical techniques in biochemistry.
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